Unfortunately the tour hasn't been publicised that much yet (other than here on Crime Watch, and with a few library notices etc) - I had stopped at Unity Books on the way to the library, and was chatting to someone browsing the crime fiction section. They said their favourite crime writer was John Connolly. I asked if they were going along to the event on Tuesday, and they didn't even know he was coming. Sigh.
He's a bigger name (and probably a bigger draw, potentially) than pretty much anyone who appeared at the recent Auckland Writers Festival, but he's managing to slip into the country largely unnoticed (although I imagine that there will be a fair few TV, radio, or print appearances and articles while he is here). Needless to say, the book-buying Connolly fan popped along to the library and grabbed a ticket as well, so I've done my 'good deed for the day'.
Connolly is here to promote his latest Charlie Parker novel, THE WHISPERERS, which was released in the UK recently, and in the USA on 13 July. You can read the prologue to this upcoming book, here.
The tour will also time with the paperback release of THE GATES, his first novel for younger readers. The New Zealand events are as follows:
Tuesday 1st June - Auckland
Auckland City Libraries presents an evening with John Connolly
6:00 PM (Light refreshments (includes glass of wine) at 5:30 PM
Whare Wananga, Central Library, Level 2, 44-46 Lorne Street, Auckland
Tickets: (on sale from Friday May 14th) $15 each, includes glass of wine
Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.aucklandcitylibraries.com/whisperers or in person at Central City Library, ground floor
For further information call 377 0209
Wednesday 2nd June - Christchurch
An Evening with Irish crime writer John Connolly
Our City O-Tautahi, cnr Oxford Tce & Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch
Tickets: $12 from Ruth Todd, ph 384 4721
Thursday 3rd June – Taupo and Rotorua
Taupo Library Is Proud To Bring You Award-winning Thriller Writer John Connolly
Taupo Library
Rotorua District Library Is Proud To Bring You Award-winning Thriller Writer John Connolly
Rotorua District Library, 1127 Haupapa St, Rotorua
Have you read John Connolly's books? Are you a fan of Charlie Parker? Would you be keen to see him at an author event? For those overseas readers - have you seen him at an event before? Please share your thoughts, comments, and experiences.
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