Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crime on the 'Net: Weekly Round-up

There have been some more great crime fiction stories on the Web this past week - from newspapers, magazines, and fellow bloggers. Hopefully you will all find an interesting article or two linked here, that you enjoy reading.

Of course the finalists for the second annual edition of the Ireland AM Crime Fiction Award were announced this week too. It was great to see Ireland begin to recognise and celebrate its crime fiction in this way in 2009, and long may it continue. Of course here in New Zealand we are also looking to start appreciating our own crime and thriller fiction more as well, via our own new award. I hope to have confirmed details about the (earthquake-delayed) event to announce the inaugural winner for you in the next day or so. It's probable the event will be in mid/late November.

Onto the round-up.

Crime Watch Weekly Round-Up: In the News and on the 'Net
Is mystery and crime fiction booming, or has it always been strong? Do you like the sound of an Elmore Leonard tale set in Africa? Have you read the Native American-influenced mysteries of Tony Hillerman or Margaret Coel? Have you ever read the world's most popular mystery novel ever (under whichever of the three titles)? Should creative writing courses be more open to those wanting to write popular fiction?


  1. Craig - Thanks for mentioning Margaret Coel and Tony Hillerman. I really like their Native American settings and characters, and the mysteries are quite good, too. Also, thanks as always for this round-up :-).

  2. I'm not sure that crime is booming any more than normal, I mean Agatha Christie has always been popular. Perhaps the difference is now people don't feel so ashamed for liking crime fiction whereas once upon a time they might have had to hide their reading. My mum who is now 83 and is a huge mystery fan talks of being scoffed at by friends and colleagues if they found out she was reading a mystery - this was during the 1950's - 70's.
