North Shore-based crime writers Yvonne E. Walus, Zirk Van Den Berg and Bev Robitai will discuss deadly females in crime fiction - writers and characters, from Lady MacBeth to modern forensically focused investigators and authors.
Are women more ruthless? Come along and see.
The event, which includes the panel discussion, light refreshments, and the opportunity to win prizes in a crime fiction scavenger hunt, kicks off at 6pm, with the panel discussion starting at 6.30pm. I will be introducing the authors, and asking some questions. It should be a lot of fun!
Please RSVP by email to Helen Woodhouse, or phone 09 486 8469.
You can read more about Yvonne here (plus here at author website), Zirk here and here, and Bev here and here.
Hope to see some local crime enthusiasts joining us on Thursday! Thanks to the Takapuna Library for continuing to support crime and thriller writing and writers - both international guest and local authors.
Craig - Oh, this looks wonderful! I hope it's terrific and I'm sure that it will be.