Monday, September 2, 2024

The Bookshop Detectives reflect on 2024 Ngaios

Last Wednesday, the 2024 Ngaio Marsh Awards winners were announced as part of a fantastic event celebrating all this year's finalists, across three categories (Best Kids/YA, Best First Novel, Best Novel) at the WORD Christchurch Festival. It was a prime setting for a crime and mystery denouement: a full house of witnesses and suspects (finalists) gathered in the library (Turanga), to listen as our sleuthing duo The Bookshop Detectives sifted the clues, avoided the red herrings, and interrogated some of the prime suspects who were there in person, before unmasking the culprits (winners). 

Now in the first of a series of chats for a new podcast on books and bookselling, Gareth and Louise Ward aka The Bookshop Detectives dissect their experience as MCs of this year's Ngaio Marsh Awards, held during WORD Christchurch. As they say, "Spoiler - it was bloody awesome! Do please spend almost 10 of your earth minutes listening to our erudite conversation about the crime fiction taking Aotearoa by storm. Thanks!#yeahnoir"

Bookshop Detectives Louise and Gareth Ward (right) interrogate Claire Baylis, a prime
suspect for both Best First Novel and Best Novel for her devastating courtroom debut DICE

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